Friday, January 20, 2006

Nah, Jesus actually said to cast stones at him. Or something. I'm sure that was the general gist of it.

Girl: Who was Mahatma Gandhi?
Guy: He was the guy that was all about not fighting back. He said that thing about if someone strikes you to turn the other cheek.
Girl: Wasn't that Jesus?

-- overheard by Evan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ignorance is unreal....

Everyone knows that Ghandi was the brown Jesus....

....but in the body of an elephant...with a few extra arms....

Seriously, don't they teach them ANYTHING in high school these days?!

1:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatchu talking bout!? Jesus was brown!

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought jesus was black/jewish....

kinda like Sammy Davis Jr., but without the hat....

10:02 PM  
Blogger fortey said...

If Jesus wanted a hat, he could so get a hat.

9:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ignorance is unreal....

Everyone knows that Ghandi was the brown Jesus....

....but in the body of an elephant...with a few extra arms....

Seriously, don't they teach them ANYTHING in high school these days?!'

wtf he was a man who was trying to stop the british from taking over india u idiot

11:54 PM  

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